We offer architectural support to our clients by proven and patterned technologies. We produce enhanced quality design that is both environmental friendly and cost effective. We provide basic and necessary recommendations for design accessible structures with complete exterior and interior design. For all kind of building projects Rehoboth design studio efficient and effective services to complete the work with the theory of creativity and aesthetics.

“People ignore design that ignores people.” – Frank Chimero
We always believe good design outputs occur only after understanding user perception and requirement. As architects we always consider future implications and believe that designing is a speculative process, were we can think outside the box. As a team we come together with the intent of understanding, identifying opportunity, exploring ideas and building up dreams.
Our aim is to create and ideate new creative solutions.
Our team

I believe, no design is a bad or good design, if it doesn’t undergoes infinite constructive criticism and modification.

According to me a “SPACE” can never be transformed to a “PLACE” without a complete understanding of the context and requirements of the user along with our innovative ideas.

Architecture is a material thing. People have been doing this for thousands of years using whatever is available to build shelter, thus locally available materials are the best choice/solutions for every design.
“In pure architecture the smallest detail should have a meaning or serve a purpose.”
– Augustus W. N. Pugin